Walbrook Ward Club

I currently serve as Vice Chairman of the Walbrook Ward Club. The Walbrook Ward Club seeks to involve all those with an interest in the Ward, or or who have a connection with the Ward.

Founded in 1809

The Walbrook Ward Club was founded on 4 December 1809 at the Bay Tree Tavern in St Swithin’s Lane.

It is one of the oldest ward clubs in the City, its purpose being to promote friendly and neighbourly interchange.  At the beginning of the 19th century, many people lived and worked in the centre of the City.  Numerous businesses, such as timber and coffee merchants and importers, who unloaded their goods on the banks of the Thames, had premises within the Ward. 

Founding Purpose

The Club, from the outset, served as a connecting link to bind the residents together.  It watched over the interests of the Ward, and fostered knowledge of the history, heritage and traditions of the City, and in particular of the Ward.  It provided a forum for inhabitants to discuss local conditions, to complain or protest to the Alderman and Common Councilmen of the Ward.  Equally, it organised convivial social gatherings, which continue to this day.

For Further Information

Visit the Walbrook Ward Club website

To join or contact the Walbrook Ward Club go to: Contact Us | Walbrook Ward Club